September Lunch and Learn Event

September Lunch and Learn Event Presented by

Cameron Memorial Community Hospital

Sutton's Deli Event Room

 160 N. Public Square, Angola, IN 46703

When: Tuesday, September 24th, 2024 - 12 PM - 1:30 PM

Join us at Sutton's Deli in their event room for September's Lunch and Learn event on

Tuesday, September 24th at noon with guest presenter Cameron Memorial Community Hospital.

This is the final part of the 4-part series highlighting their strategies associated with Pharmacy, Wellness, Plan Design, and Corporate Services. The objective is to educate community members about what is possible and how their lessons may be used in organizations. While self-funded plans can achieve some of the biggest benefit, some of these strategies can be implemented around fully insured plans. Cameron Memorial Community Hospital would be happy to work with you through your existing benefit consultant to the advantage of your organization, your employees, and the community.

A boxed lunch is available to purchase for $15, you can make your selection at registration.  When registering for a lunch package, please indicate what type of sandwich you would like: Beef, Chicken Salad, Turkey, Ham, Vegan, and Vegetarian.- All boxed lunch options are available gluten-free upon request for $16! 

Please note that when registering online, you must pay with a credit card upon registration. Please contact us here at the Chamber ( - 260-665-3512) if you need different accommodations. 

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