Gold Membership

Annual investment: $2600, all-inclusive

(valued at $2350 in addition to Classic package benefits)

A premier level of membership benefits for businesses who are seeking a greater involvement with the Chamber to yield a significant impact on their business. This tier is ideal for businesses who have traditionally sponsored many of the Chamber’s Signature events in the past, or who want to enhance the marketing of their organization through the Chamber, as it bundles sponsorship credits and promotional opportunities with your membership dues, giving you more for your money and a once-a-year payment. 

It includes all the benefits of the Classic Level, plus the following:


  • $1600 in credits to be used towards sponsorships* of Chamber's Signature events or banner ads on Chamber website
  • Community Profile Magazine: enhanced listing including short description, contrast color for company name and contact information, plus hyperlink to your website from digital version of print directory
  • Website enhanced listing to include logo, Gold member icon, photo, 500-word long description, list of products and services, and distinctive wide border and header
  • Permanent logo on Chamber website homepage with click-through to your website
  • One eNewsletter sponsorship with ad and click-through to URL of your choice


2024 Gold Members:

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