Member-to-Member  Discounts and Savings

All full-time employees of Chamber member organizations receive a "Smart Buy" Member-to-Member discount ID key tag that allows them to take advantage of members-only savings at dozens of local Chamber member businesses.  

Click the button below to view a list of current discounts available to Chamber members.  Check back frequently as new offers may be added or discounts may change or updated.  You can either print your coupon to use it, or simply download the QR reader on your mobile device/ smart phone and scan the bar code on the reverse of the key tag and show it to the merchant.  Discounts will only be honored when accompanied by a Smart Buy Discount identification key tag and is at the discretion of the member business.  


Key tags are issued to the Chamber member organization upon payment in full of annual membership dues. Please note that member organizations will receive the number of Smart Buy Discount Key Fobs equivalent to the number of employees (full-time equivalent) they report for their dues level.

If you are a member business who would like participate in the Smart Buy Discount program by offering a discount to fellow members, click here.
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