Chamber Leadership

The right combination of participating members, active committees, a dynamic business plan, adequate financing and good publicity and public relations spells success for our organization and its efforts.

The membership, which is the Chamber’s foundation, elects a Board of Directors to govern the Chamber, establish direction, and oversee its administrative and financial management.

The Board is comprised of 15 elected directors, who serve three-year terms from January 1st to December 31st of each year, the Immediate Past Chair and the Chamber Executive Director. Elections are staggered so that five directors are elected annually.

The board annually elects a Board President, Vice President, and Treasurer. The Board President is the chief elected volunteer officer of the organization and is the Boards official spokesperson. The Board President presides at meetings of the Board and the Executive Committee, appoints the Chairs of all committees if volunteers do not step up; is an advisory member of all committees. The Vice President assists and acts in the absence of the Board President. The Treasurer is responsible for over seeing the Chamber’s financial condition and reports to the Board monthly.

The Board also employs an Executive Director, who is the chief executive officer of the organization. The Executive Director is responsible for the management of the organization and assists the Board, committees and task forces in defining and implementing goals and objectives. The Executive Director is responsible for employing a competent staff to carry out the Chamber’s programs within the constraints of the budget.

There are two standing committees of the Board, which are chaired by Board officers. Committee members are made up of Chamber members in good standing and serve by invitation or interests, according to their expertise. The Executive Committee, which consists of the Board President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Immediate Past Board President, is the Chamber’s “leadership team”. Executive Committee shall have all the power of the Board between the meetings of the Board, except that the subordinate body cannot modify any action taken by its superior. The Executive Committee assures implementation of the annual business plan and analyzes and establishes policies and programs relating to the support and functions of the Executive Director. The committee meets monthly, besides special meetings in emergencies. The Finance Committee meets monthly to review finances and also to review the budget for Board approval for the coming fiscal year and at mid-year. The Board Treasurer chairs the committee.

Committees are the workhorses of your Chamber. Any representative or employee of a member firm may volunteer to serve on a committee. Committee chairs are made up of Board of Directors who volunteer for the position. Committees are responsible for the implementation of Chamber objective and goals. They may study issues and make recommendations to the Board. Committees cannot determine policy, but they do influence and implement it. Committees meet as often as necessary to accomplish their objectives. As a matter of general practice, they meet at least once monthly.
Every three to five years, the Board adopts a strategic plan, which is a road map directing the future of your Chamber. The planning committee is initially involved in this process by giving recommendations to the Board. The strategic plan is made up of broad goals and specific objectives developed within the scope of the Chamber’s mission. Annually at the Board Retreat, the Board of Directors adopts a business plan, which outlines, by operating areas, specific goals and objectives of each committee for the coming fiscal year. The effectiveness of the organization depends upon the quality of this business plan. It also serves as a way to measure the results of our efforts (Year-end Report)

The major funding source for your Chamber is membership dues, equaling 70% of total income. Other sources of funding (20%) include income from programs and events, and 10% from miscellaneous sources such as publications, sponsorships, and donations. Dues are based on a formula for type of business and number of employees. The dues structure is established by the Board of Directors based on recommendations from the membership and finance committees and according to the organizational by-laws.

All sums of money received are placed in a general fund, except in limited instances when finds are placed in a special or reserved account. The Board annually adopts a budget governing the expenditure of Chamber funds. The budget is based on anticipated revenue and sound fiscal policy established to serve the best interests of the Chamber as a whole. It is the responsibility of the Chamber Executive Director to monitor the budget on a continuous basis.
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