Since before the American Revolution, civic-spirited citizens and business people have come together to make their communities more prosperous and progressive by forming local Chambers of Commerce. Through a cooperative effort, members of Chambers have effectively changed the economy, and centralized the promotion of business in their communities. 

Belonging to the Chamber means that your organization is an integral part of our thriving Angola business community.  Your membership in the Chamber is not just linear, but rather it is a network which connects you with the 270+ other businesses which also belong to the Chamber.  By supporting one another-- keeping our dollars local, sharing our talent and expertise, and referring new customers to each other-- we all help the economic climate in our area, which in turn benefits everyone.   


Chambers of Commerce are:                 

     Cost-effective communication

          Community Resource

               Creative Collaborations

                    Continuing Education and Training

                         Connection to the Business Community

                               Cultivation of the next generation of business                                                leaders.

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