Diamond Membership

Annual Investment: $4600, all-inclusive

valued at $5250 in addition to Classic package benefits

The highest and most exclusive level of Chamber membership for businesses who want to set the standard for endorsement of the Chamber of Commerce and leadership in the local business community. Correspondingly, Diamond Members receive the highest level of benefits and services.

Diamond Membership includes all the benefits of the Classic Level, plus the following:


  • $2600 in credits to be used towards sponsorships of Chamber's Signature events or banner ads on Chamber website
  • Community Profile Magazine: Full page advertorial or company profile with photos; 8000 print copies distributed plus digital version on website with hyperlinks
  • Premier Website listing, including assistance by Chamber staff to maximize listings with 20 keywords and concierge-level service on listing updates; logo, Diamond Level icon, 500-word long description; list of products and services, photos, video gallery, and distinctive wide border and header
  • Permanent logo on Chamber website homepage with 150-word description and click-through to your website
  • Featurette, coupon, or event announcement in one email newsletter per year: 100 words plus one image or photo


2024 Diamond Members:

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